

Opioid addiction is devastating countless lives. The misuse of and addiction to opioids has created a national crisis affecting millions of Americans.

Recovering from addiction isn't an easy process. Though Individuals can be forced to initiate treatment, self-motivation to persevere when faced with adversity is not something that others can compel.

The Solution


Milestone is a mobile app that helps motivate recovering opioid addicts to persevere in their recovery process. It gamifies the goals and celebrates the achievements of the recovering addicts; these goals are designed to help users make small achievable changes to their life, in turn, providing them with the motivation to achieve their goals.
Milestones Home Page

Design Process

  • TEST


Interview Icon
User Interviews

We conducted six interviews to get a better understanding of the problem space. Some of the people we had the opportunity to interview

Interview Findings
  • Lack of follow up from rehabilitation centers and doctors.
  • Lack of motivation to persist in recovery process is main reason for relapse.
  • Accountability partner are key to recovery process after rehabilitation.
  • No one size fits all approach to overcome addiction.
  • There is a stigma associated with addiction which causes alienation of recovering addicts.
Research Icon
Market Research

We also simultaneously relied on scholarly articles, blogs, and research papers to gain a better understanding of the domain and the problems associated with it.

Market Research Findings
  • Recovery Research Institute lists twelve clinical and six non-clinical pathways to recovery as well as a self-managed pathway.
  • Treatment with a medication along with counseling and other support is often the most effective choice for opioid addiction and part of recovery.

Affinity Mapping

We generated an affinity diagram based on the data collected from Interviews and quotes, we organized the data, collected and identified themes. We were able to understand the rehabilitation process better and learn the reasons or decisions that led them into rehabilitation centers.

Affinity Map - Click for more details

Based on our research, we were able to come up with key requirements that would define the success of our design solution.  We were able to narrow down on areas to focus when designing a solution that would help all the stakeholders.

requirement Gathering

We believe that the criteria for a good solution would be one that brings motivation, accountability and awareness which would help the individual to introspect. he key requirements would be

Reaching Goal Image

To build a support system that helps keep them motivated.

People helping each other

To educate and enable them to help others facing similar situations.

Happy faces

To inculcate more fun and technology in the process of treatment.


Defining the Problem Statement

"How might we improve the effectiveness of the rehab process for opioid addicts?"

We devised the following personas based on the interview data collected. They reflect our target user's needs, behaviors, goals, and determination. The following are the two archetypes that we came up with:



Preliminary Concepts

We then proceeded with brainstorming design solutions along with other stakeholders. We came out with the following ideas, which would be socially, economically, and technologically feasible.

Journal Writing

Journaling App

Journaling daily habits to analyze and understand positive and negative patterns related to opioid addiction and make changes to lead better life.

Trophy for goal

Milestone Celebration

Gamified goals and achievements made to induce extrinsic motivation which over time converts into intrinsic motivation to stay sober.

Writing in book

PenPal Connect

Connecting recovering addicts with accountability partners and forming social bonds to help them re enter society with confidence.

We found that Milestone Celebration would be one that meets our key requirements of providing motivation to persist in recovery while having a fun alternative to tackle the long and strenuous pathway to sobriety.

User Scenario

After deciding on our design solution, we decided to sketch out real world scenarios showcasing the use of our design solution with the personas we contrived previously.



Our team decided to start with whiteboarding which proved to be quite useful in bringing out new ideas and concepts that we could utilize in our application. We discussed different features that the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) would have and started drawing them out onto a whiteboard.

Low Fidelity Prototyping

Based on our previous whiteboarding session, we decided to build a low fidelity prototype to go through the structure and to smoothen the workflow. The low fidelity prototype gave us flexibility to test various designs and allowed for us to perform user testing as well during this stage to get some user reviews on the design.

User Testing Results

We used our low-fidelity prototypes to conduct our initial user test, and found that

High - Fidelity Prototype

After distilling the feedback of the paper prototypes, I created high-fidelity prototypes using Adobe XD. These prototypes were then utilized for user and expert evaluation.

Easy view of upcoming goals

This is a dashboard screen that allows the users to view their progress on their milestone.
Home screen of app showing current objective
Celebratory Message on task completion

Gamified Motivation

On Completion of a milestone, the user gets a celebratory screen.

Update Goals with ease

These screens allow the users to update their progress on the goals. They can choose to complete these in the order they desire.
Updating Goals
Rewards obtained from task completion

More Motivation

Users will accumulate badges for completing milestones which would then be redeemed for rewards which helps motivate users to complete these goals.

Professional Feedback

The users also receive feedback from their accountability partners and doctors.
In App Feedback from Doctor
Quotes feature of the app

Additional Motivation

Users can also view and save quotes to keep them going when they feel a lack of motivation.


Think aloud Illustration
Think Aloud
Three Target Users
Expert User
Heuristic Evaluation
Two Expert Users (UX Designers)
Recovering Addict
Cognitive Walkthrough
Target User (Recovering Addict)

After our initial redesign, we tested our new interactive prototype with users to see how it performed on the tests we designed. Some of the findings from these tests are as follows:

Learning & key takeaway

Involve Stakeholders Early

Involving stakeholders from the start of the project helps us gather critical insights into the problems they face. They are also more involved and the process, we can design a solution that they are happy with.

User Research is vital

User research is an essential part of the design process. It helps gather contextual feedback on the product and provides backing for our design decisions.

Take Feedback

Feedback is vital to the design process; feedback from our potential users, stakeholders, and developers would allow us to create a better experience for our end users.

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